Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Squatters Outer Darkness:
Hello dear hearts and welcome back to the one and a only beer review website that I write for (right now).  Today let’s stay domestic and  go to the land of Mormons, mountains, and a statue of seagull.  Yes friends, I speak of Salt Lake City and Squatter’s (Salt Lake) Brewing who makes today’s dark concoction: Outer Darkness.  This Russian Imperial Stout that was poured from a tap with a coffee black coloration, a thick foamy head that leaves a good amount of lacing, and a nose of subtle hints of roasted malts, dark chocolate, and caramel.  The beer’s initial taste is a smooth coffee like taste that quickly blooms to include dark chocolate notes and dark fruits that blend nicely on the back end as well as the aftertaste.  A very enjoyable stout, this beer deserves a lot more attention then it seems to be getting; seemingly swallowed up by other stout beers, but really, like all good thinks in life, this one doesn’t need to advertise the fact that it’s awesome because word of mouth is more than enough.  If you find this either on-tap or in the big bottle I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.  Enjoy. 

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