Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner:
Greetings and salutation fellow beer drinkers and welcome to another beer review for the masses.   Today let’s look a beer from those crazy folks at Coney Island (Schmaltz Brewing) and their take on the pilsner style: Mermaid Pilsner.  To be honest and up front, this beer really doesn’t do much to improve the image of Coney Island after the whole Freaktoberfest let down of 2012 but I promised Ariel I’d give her beer a review so here we go.  The beer was poured from a tap the prototypical clear golden color of all pilsners with a thin white head that leave some small traces of lacing early on and a nose of candied fruits with notes of malts and hops underneath.  The beer’s taste is strictly unoriginal with the front-end notes of malts coming on strong while the carbonation builds towards the mid tongue that allow notes of hops and some rye edge to come through and an aftertaste of light bread and hops that one can find in most decent American lagers.  The beer isn’t bad but it really breaks no new ground nor does it dare to be different for a drinker who spent considerably more for a glass/bottle of this beer versus what they could have gotten form one of the usual suspects.  My advice is that if you’re interested in this beer or a fan of pilsner there are many more affordable beers out there that offer you the exact same experience as this beer.  

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