Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baltika #5 Gold:
Greetings friends and welcome back to the seemingly endless trek through the beer wilderness.  So what can we say about a beer that official doesn’t exist according to it’s website?  What if I told you that this beer was from Russia?  Hmmm…the questions start to abound don’t they?  I wonder if Putin has something to do with this, I mean he was a former KGB man and he probably knows how to make things disappear.   So without much help from Baltika (they are the second largest Eastern European brewer and own, among others, Corona) let’s look at their No. 5 beer which is called Gold, brewed with a combo of pale and caramel malts.  The beer pours a clear golden color that has a thin white head that leaves some decent amount of lacing and a nose of artificially sweet corn and malts.  The beer’s taste is very uniform with not much depth to it and tasting like a watered down cream soda most of the time though the taste of a lager does rear it’s head in the after taste.  Not a good beer but not a bad one either, it’s just kind of there and really doesn’t offer anything new into the world.  Maybe it’s a good thing this is hidden from the general public. 

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