Thursday, October 11, 2012

Abita Red Ale:
Hello all and thanks for stopping by!  See ya!  Wait, wait.  I can’t let you go that easily, you have to at least sit here through a few of my thoughts on this beer whose picture you clicked on.  I mean, why did you click here? I assume it WAS the beer and not my wit so let’s keep going with the beer review and I’ll throw in the wit as a bonus.  Today’s libation is a seasonal offering from Abita Beer (from our friendly neighbors to the East): Red Ale.  The beer is meant for consumption in mid-late Spring so toss out our current season and think spring fresh.  The beer does pour a reddish hue (though the main color is a nice amber) with a nice fluffy white head that is rocky on top though it settles down to a patch foam on top of the beer and a nose of hops that is similar to a pale ale.  Speaking of Pale Ales, that is the best way to describe this beer, it starts off with a tart initial flavor of hops and moves towards a malted mid tongue and a back end/aftertaste of dry skunk.   Not the best seasonal offering that Abita has out there but it’s a better beer than most out there.  I guess this beer is made for the spring season with holidays of Saint Patrick and…and…say, is there another Spring holiday where beer is being drunk?


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