Monday, October 1, 2012

Beck's Oktoberfest:
Ah hello friends and welcome back to your Oktoberfest beer source.  As we enter the home stretch, I figured it’d be best to hop back across the pond to Germany and look another German Oktoberfest beer.  While the Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen is well documented and it’s considering my proposal for a seasonal crush/obsession, let’s look to a potential back-up in case the cops are called and court orders are issued: Beck’s Oktoberfest.  The beer pours a medium amber color more akin to petrified tree sap then beer, really no head to speak of (even in a chilled glass) and a nose of caramel malts and a touch of hoppy skunk.  The beers’ taste is very inconsistent throughout with one sip bringing a thick syrup like taste of caramel while another brings an overly malted breaded taste. No back-end or after taste to speak of save for a slight skunk taste that lasts about a minute before vanishing and leaving a dry feeling on the tongue and back of the throat.  Nothing special here and like Beck’s Dark, it’s really more about name then taste in this one.  If you’re looking for a beer brewed by a German brewer for the Oktoberfest season, go with Paulaner, not one with a German name and brewed in St. Louis. 

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