Brooklyn Brewery Post Road Pumpkin Ale:
Hello one and all and welcome back to our little jaunt through the pumpkin patch. Today we go up to the Empire State and look at Brooklyn Brewery and their Post Road Pumpkin Ale. In this world full of pumpkin ales it takes a lot to make a beer stand out from the rest so lets see if Brooklyn does anything to set themselves apart. The beer pours a nice amber with a nice clarity and a bright white head that mellows down a bit and sticks around on top of the beer and a nose that is more like a baked sweet potato than pumpkin pie. The beer’s initial taste is one of mellow notes of raw nuts that rolls into a cinnamon flavor with a pumpkin undertone. Now speaking of pumpkin, the flavor never really develops in the beer sip but it does stand out in the after taste of the beer with a touch of hops. Not a bad beer, very mellow on the pumpkin and with the interesting initial taste, this does separate itself from the pumpkin masses but it may not appeal to the average beer drinker. Approach this one with a skeptical eye and palate but if your into subtle notes in your beer, this one is for you.
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