Friday, October 5, 2012

Spaten Oktoberfest:
Hello all and welcome to another day another beer review and, for the time being, an Oktoberfest beer review.  Today we jump back to Bavaria for our beer today and since the Germans are 1 for 2 on beers right now and it’s high time they got back into the game, don’t you?  This is their festival after all and I know we probably get just a fraction of what they offer over there but what beers we do get it isn’t much and is usually main stream but that isn’t so bad when you get beers like this one Spaten Oktoberfest Ur-Marzen.  This beer pours a nice clear amber color with a head on it that looks like it was stolen from a pint of Guinness and it sticks around through the whole beer and a nose of roasted malts with a slight sweetness and hops.  The beer is a nice initial dry malt taste (one person characterized it as ‘salty’ on line) that blooms into a light caramel flavor on the mid and back tongue with the aftertaste being a nice hop and malt combo. Coming in at 5.9% ABV it drinks lighter than it feels or drinks.  This was a very good beer which surprised me after the results of the Beck’s Oktoberfest brew the other day.  Highly recommended to add along side other good seasonal fall beers, and since it’s available year round, would make a nice spring beer as well. 

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