Friday, October 5, 2012

Left Hand Oktoberfest:
Hello cats and kittens and welcome to your one stop shop for brew reviews (just ignore all those other sites).  Today we venture back up to that great brewery hot bed of Colorado and one of their great brewers: Left Hand.  As we wind down these Oktoberfest beer reviews, the pack is separating from the good and the so-so with nothing really bad but as we continue to grow the sample number the chance for a bad Oktoberfest beer increases.  Thankfully, this is not one of those beers, in fact, Left Hand Oktoberfest is a surprising beer in it’s own right.  This Marzen Lager beer pours the nice amber color with some copper coloring, not much head shows up or lingers and it has a nose of sweet malts and (this is going to sound weird) baby shampoo.  Yeah, I said it: baby shampoo.  The beers taste is very mellow and smooth with a nice front end bite of carbonation and sweet malts while the mid tongue is heavy on a bread like flavor that retains the carbonation though it is a softer carbonation then the carbonation of the initial sip.  The back end is very heavy on roasted caramel and a touch on hops and an after taste of the same flavor profile but it doesn’t linger.  This is a really good beer, probably the best domestic Oktoberfest I’ve had all year (or in the past two weeks) and honestly, I think this might be the only Oktoberfest beer I’ll be buying for now on.  Highly recommended. 

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