Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Red Brick Double IPA:
Hello friends and welcome back to “What did he drink today?”  Today I drank *drum roll* a Double IPA from Red Brick which is located in Hot-lanta and makes one of  the better beers this year the Vanilla Gorilla from a few weeks back.  So how does a double IPA out of Atlanta taste compared to the big boys like Dogfish or Breckenridge?  Read on an find out dear readers, read on. The beer pours a cloudy amber color with a minimal head on it though what head does appear  is a stark white and a nose of alcoholic grapefruit (which is an awesome smell in my book.)   The initial taste is an overwhelming citrus flavor that blooms into a floral IPA taste on the mid tongue and a nice mild skunk mixed with grapefruit in the aftertaste (hop heads know what I’m saying).  So a great IPA and it’s an awesome beer overall and, like a lot of awesome beers, it’s a shame it’s not here in Texas.   So friends, if you’re ever in Atlanta or another state that carries Red Brick, see out the Vanilla Gorilla or, if your daring, the Double IPA and I promise you won’t be disappointed on either one.

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