Friday, October 19, 2012

Dogfish Head Burton Baton:
Ah hello friends and neighbors and welcome to a special edition beer review where we look at another beer from my favorite brewery: Dogfish Head.  Today we look at Burton Baton, a blended ale that follows one of the favorite trends in beer right now: oak aging.  The beer itself is a blend of an imperial IPA and an English old ale combined together in an oak tank for about a month then bottled.  If I don’t have you sold right now, you probably won’t like it no matter what I say next.  The beer pours a hazy golden brown color with a white head that foams up to about two fingers worth but then settles down to a thin white head and a nose that is very oak filled with a sweet under tone with hints of citrus and vanilla.  The beer’s taste starts off with a hop created grapefruit flavor that blooms to a nice oak flavor that has strong alcohol taste and finishes like any good IPA should, heavy hops citrus flavor and a nice skunk aftertaste (if you’re a hop-head, you know what I’m talking about).  So another great beer from Dogfish but this is not a beer you give to someone curious about the brewery.  This is advance level drinking here and it may even displease the experienced drinker out there but really, if you come across this, grab a bottle or four and enjoy.  

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