Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Red Brick Smoked Vanilla Gorilla:
Alright, I know y’all are starring at this picture with a puzzled look on your face asking, “is that a VANILLA GORRILA?!”  Well, first, I don’t know why you’re yelling at your computer screen.  Really people, that’s an unhealthy emotional outlet. Secondly, it’s a SMOKED vanilla gorilla porter, by Red Brick, so get in your head a picture of a albino gorilla in a smoking jacket telling Jane Goodall how to write her books.  Got it?  Good.  So how does this taste?  Awesome.  So the beer pours a nice black color (it is a porter so if it pored a blonde, somebody will have some s’plainin’ to do) with a thin white head that really doesn’t last that long and a nice nose that is mainly a heavy smoke that reminds you of a good barbecue joint.  The taste profile is very unique in it’s progression starting off as a sweet smoky flavor that rolls to a mild smoke on the mid tongue  that is mellow and reminds me of a certain Central Texas barbecue compound.  Anyway, let me wipe drool off the ole chin here and continue on with the back end taste that is a very mellow smoke mixed with a sweetness that is very…natural and a back end of smoke and hops which does taste as good as it sounds.  It’s a shame I had to go to Nashville to get this primate but it was worth the effort and if you’re lucky enough to be near a bottle of this you should drink it, wait, sip it, and enjoy.

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