Saturday, October 27, 2012

Clown Shoes Vampire Slayer:
Howdy y’all and welcome our first ever beer that is making a push to be the official beer of the Buffy/Blade fan club (the “Buffades”).  This is the beer that feels that it is making an honest push into the vamp killing world by being a stout that not only contains “dark malts, holy water, and malt smoked locally with hickory, ash, and vampire killing stakes.”  So who would dare gather these relics for a beer brew of all purposes?  Simple answer: Clown Shoes (who else but a bunch of clowns would go and mess around with pulling stakes out of the hands of slayers?) Yes it was those crazy Yankees who brewed this Vampire Slayer Stout which pours an oily black with just a slight head that is medium brown and dissipates quickly with a nose of strong smoky aroma and a subtle sweetness.  The beer's initial taste is just like the nose but it rolls into a roasted malts flavor with hints of chocolate and a back-end taste that is of slight hops and malts.  A very nice stout, a good balance of the smoke and coffee flavors and a light mouth feel that does leave a slight coating on the inner cheeks and roof of your mouth.  This beer demands a whiskey back  to it, preferably a good American Bourbon but I’m biased so use what you see fit.  Though this is an anniversary ale, I have seen it floating around so if you do run across it and you’re looking for a good stout, take a stab at this one. 

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