21st Amendment Monk's Blood:
Hello all and welcome back to “what could he possibly be drinking now?” and today I have a treat for you. As we have explored and discovered in the past year, 21st Amendment brewery is a cool little niche brewery out of the left coast and they are making some of the better beer line-ups out there. Today we look at their Dark Belgium beer Monk’s Blood which combines ingredients of “Belgian candi sugar, cinnamon, vanilla bean, dried black mission figs, aged in oak”- man, take away that whole “aged in oak’’ part and you’re on the way to a hell of a baked good- and puts them in a can for all to enjoy. The beer pours a reddish brown color with a slightly off white head that starts at double finger in thickness and works it’s way down to a thick film and leaves heavy lacing and nose of sweet dark fruits and malts. The beers initial taste is one of a smoky sweetness and a touch of mellow dark fruits while the flavor mellows to a mid tongue of carbonation and a mix of spices. The back end and after taste are very similar with the vanilla bean coming through like gangbusters and hangs around the back of your throat so you get the taste of vanilla with every breath you take- sorry for the Sting reference. This is an awesome beer but it’s heavy and not one you should drink before dinner (or for breakfast) but for an after dinner drink or night cap this one is perfect. I really wish this was available locally or even in a near by state but alas we don’t have access to it right now but if I ever get a chance to grab it or any of it’s fellow line up without a second thought.
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