Monday, November 12, 2012

Widmer Brothers Drifter Pale Ale:
Ah hello friends and welcome back to another beer review from the road (don’t ask, just trust me).  Today let’s go with what some consider the best pale ale out there and who am I to ignore such lofty praise for a beer.  Widmer Brothers has put out numerous intriguing beers and while the ones that I’ve run across this year have been “ok” at best with nothing really worth trying again but maybe that will change with their Drifter Pale Ale.  The beer pours a nice balanced amber color with a not much carbonation and only a slight whisper of a stark white head and a nose of filled with citrus notes more at home in a good IPA than a pale ale.  The initial taste is one of hops and a touch of malts that combine on the mid tongue to give you a very tart grapefruit taste and a nice dry finish on the beer without the skunk usually found in most hoppy beers.  I found myself actually really liking this beer which is surprising since I really don’t have much of a taste for pale ales.  This beer balances that fine line between being a beer for both beginning drinkers as well as the seasoned drinker for the same reason: the taste.  The flavor is non-offending and complex with enough going for it to be a worth drinking several in one night.  A great find and one worth adding to your normal rotation of beers. 

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