Sixpoint Brewing Righteous Ale:
Hello all and, just to let you know, I’m happy to have you back and furthering your beer knowledge with me. Today let’s continue with another excursion to the land of tall boys with Sixpoint Brewing’s Righteous Ale. Yes friends, we continue our look at these beers which come out of New York and have garnered a lot of praise online and in beer drinking circles (yes, they do exist). I haven’t found any real reason to love these beers so far but I keep the faith and will continue to trudge through their line hoping to find one I do really enjoy. So how did the Righteous one fair? Read on dear readers, read on. The beer pours a nice dark orange/amber color with an aggressively building head that is tan in color and settles to a nice finger’s worth on the top of the beer and leaves good lacing and a nose of malts, a touch of piney hops and some mellow spice. The beers initial taste is very earthy with a mix of herbs and malts that roll into a nutty flavor on the mid tongue but they surrender themselves to a strong and overpowering malt taste. The malt taste lasts through the after taste while coating the mouth in a slight film. So I feel this beer is better then the Autumation but still not that special. Maybe I don’t have the palate for these beers but so far they aren’t hitting any out of the park for me. Drink at your own risk.
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