Monday, November 5, 2012

Avery The Beast Grand Cru Ale:
Well hello friends and welcome back to the best little beer review site in Texas- at least in my opinion.  Today we dip our beer glass into the demonic well of Avery and their Demon series of beers with an entry that is scarily titled: The Beast.  Well, maybe not that scary but just pretend, ok?  This dark Grand Cru beer is a thick syrup of a beer that combines raisins, dates, molasses, and honey to make a dark rum type flavor in the beer.  The brew came from a tap sporting a nice medium amber color, not much head to speak of and strong nose of dark ripe fruit and booze.  The initial taste is that of strong notes from the nose but with a heavier influence on the alcohol while the mid tongue develops a touch of floral notes while still swimming in a bath of molasses (if that may sicken some of you, too bad, you can just keep reading).  The back end is a thick medley of raisins and honey with the molasses flavor moving to a small, but still noticeable role in the flavor profile and the after taste is a silky smooth combo of all three.  This is a friggin’ awesome beer and, as the online rumor goes, if you age this for 3 to 4 years in the bottle and the results are pretty amazing.  Will I do this with a bottle?  Probably, I just need to find the will power not to drink it and a really good hiding place.

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