Friday, November 23, 2012

Rolling Rock Extra Pale:
Hello all and welcome back to your one stop beer review site.  Yes, this is the place that you can find that special beer for that special occasion, well that’s assuming that special someone is a beer drinker and if not, well I hope you are here for my opinion (and witty insight).  Today let’s talk about a beer that has ties to my childhood, Rolling Rock Extra Pale a lager that…what?  No no no no, geez Louise people, get your mind right, I didn’t DRINK this during my childhood, it has other ties.  Lord! Some people.  Okay, so we are all familiar with the green bottle and the random “33” that appears on the bottle but how many of us have tried it?  Well here I am to answer your burning questions and bring to light what I found in this green bottle.  The beer was drunk from a bottle so I can assume it has the normal blond color with a noticeable carbonation and a head that grew half way up the neck of the bottle and which blocked most indications of a smell.  The beer’s taste is very clean, almost smooth which surprised me since the words “pale” in beer usually means some kind of hop bite but I didn’t expect it to taste like this.  The biggest surprise is the mellow sweetness that comes on the back end of this beer and a mellow malt after taste all of which is something you wouldn’t expect from mass produced lager.  So yeah, I liked this beer, so sue me; it’s okay to like a mass produced beer every once and a while, hell even two mass produced lagers is alright with me.  This is a for sure repeater in the beer fridge next year and I might even order it in public too!  Oh and you should get those questions checked out if they continue to burn ‘cause that ain’t natural. 

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