Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Belgium Red Hoptober:
Hello all and welcome back to my little attempt to enlighten the world to the wonders of the beverage that saved the world.  No not water, but beer!  Don’t believe me?  They’ve made a documentary about this little factoid and you should watch it.  Well before you go to Netflix looking for “How Beer Saved the World”, let’s do a tiny little beer review first.  New Belgium is one of those Colorado Breweries that keeps on impressing and this time they blew the doors off their attempt at a Fall beer with their Red Hoptober.  Now I can make a cheap “Hunt for Red October” joke here but I respect that film way too much and I don’t react that well to bullets (if you get that one, good for you).  This beer pours a dark amber color with a almond colored head that is thick and leaves nice lacing and a heavenly nose of hops.  Yes, hops, that “wicked and pernicious weed” that some of us have fallen for, is something that is noticeably absent from most fall beers and you have to wonder why that is.  Well, that’s a topic for someone else and I’m here to review a beer.  The beer’s initial taste is very hoppy with a strong sour citrus flavor that moves to a spicy mid tongue that is similar to Tabasco but with out the lingering burn.  The back end and after taste is heavy in skunk and leaves a coating on the inner cheeks (trust me, that’s a good thing).  I can only say it’s about time that us hopheads got something we could enjoy in the fall and winter time and I really hop this one makes it to next season because it will be a seasonal staple at the home stead. 

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