Saturday, November 24, 2012

New Belgium Lips of Faith Imperial Coffee Chocolate Stout:
Howdy all and welcome back to the best little beer review in…well somewhere, anywhere, hell, best little beer review site at least in my mind.  There, that’s settled now on to the issue at hand: cooking a chicken on an open flame. Now first thing you need to do is get a chicken, preferably one you catch yourself and try not to accost the little booger at the local petting zoo when children are present (you’ll give issues to them that might never be solved).  Next you need to…wait, were talking beer here right?  My bad, I have too many irons in the fire to keep things straight at times so I apologize.  Today we look at New Belgium’s craft line of beers called Lips of Faith which has some very interesting styles and flavors including today’s Imperial Coffee Chocolate Stout.  This brew, poured from a tap with a nice dark brown coloration and a chocolate milk head with a nose of coffee that would make any java lover swoon.  The beer’s initial taste is very silky with a clean front end of iced coffee that moves to a mellow mocha espresso flavor that adds a back end kick of booze to the whole flavor profile.  The after taste is a nice mellow roasted coffee flavor that lingers but is not offensive.  I’ll admit, this beer surprised me, it was a consolation beer from the bar tender for not having two different beers I came in to try and really, it was probably better than what I was wanting in the first place.  This is a beer you can serve to a crowded home on a holiday evening and it’s heavy enough at 10% ABV to put those with turkey bellies down for a long nap. 

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