Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Abita Pecan Harvest:
Howdy all and welcome back to the kind-of/sort-of  second part of my two part Abita fall beer reviews.  As mentioned in the Fall Fest review that while I like the Fall Fest, it isn’t my favorite of the pair.  So what is my favorite you ask?  Wait, why are you asking that?  You obviously saw the picture above this review and you know that I’m reviewing Abita’s Pecan Harvest.  Good gravy people.  So, yes my friends, a pecan beer, and what a beer it is.  This little beer is made from roasted pecans that give it a flavor that is not only unique but very satisfying as well.  The beer pours a hazy deep golden color with a thick and long lasting head of white foam and a nose roasted nuts and malts.  The initial taste is a bit heavy on the pecan flavor with a touch of hops and vanilla which both carry over to the mid tongue to create a light hazel nut flavor.  The back end taste is strong on the malts and the after taste is a bit biscuit heavy but nothing too offensive.  I really like this beer and combine it with a good fall meal (or any meal for that matter) and it becomes, in my humble opinion, quite awesome.  Luckily this beer has a wide availability and should be relatively easy to find if you are so curious to try this one (as you should be).

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