Oskar Blues G'Knight:
Howdy partners and welcome back, and hey, I’m glad you’re here. Today we continue our little jaunt through the fields of cans and we stick with Oskar Blues and their can line up. Now I promise I won’t make a “can” joke this time; they are silly, immature, and pointless, after all I can only do one thing at a time, right? Eh? Eh? Yeah, still terrible. Anyway, who here has had a sticky beer before? Me, not so much. I’ve had a lot of beers described a lot of ways but never sticky. Oskar Blues G’knight is a sticky Imperial Red beer that is probably one of the more interesting beers that I’ve run across in this second half of the year. The beer pours a hazy orangeish amber color with lots of carbonation that is noticeable and a stark white head that settles rather quickly with some lacing while a nose of strong citrus hop notes and a touch of malts dominate the glass. The beer’s initial taste has a strong hop burn of flavor that stays throughout the sip while under notes of grapefruit, roasted malts, and floral notes move in and out of the beer as it ventures through the mouth. The after taste is similar to that found in a double IPA beer with a strong skunk but it lingers just long enough to not be annoying. Now the stickiness is something I really couldn’t detect but the viscosity of this beer is syrup-like even though it doesn’t look like it. Not sure what makes it feel this heavy and thick but it’s a nice and surprising change from what you would usually find in a canned beer. A good beer, nothing I’d jump too automatically but a revisit every once-’n-a-while is not out of the question.
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