Harpoon Leviathan Quad:
Hello friends welcome to a beer review that includes references to giant radioactive lizards, my childhood, beer, more beer, harpoons and maybe a joke or two. So today we stroll back into the world of Harpoon and their Leviathan line, this time looking at their quad ale. The Leviathan line is something we have already visited once with their Imperial IPA and since that beer was delicious and the fact that they have a Godzilla-like monster on the label, the quest to find the other beers in this was on (really anything with that overgrown lizard gets me curious thanks to an healthy fascination with dinosaurs and the big green guy growing up). The quad is a beer that pours a deep maroon color that produces a head that’s about a fingers worth in foam and a nose of dark fruit and caramel. The beers taste starts off nicely with a mellow flavor of dark fruit and booze which moves into a roasted malt flavor with raisin undertones while the back end taste and after taste is very strong in the area of burnt sugar. Really the taste profile is part underwhelming, part over bearing with the up-front taste being a bit too timid compared to most quads and the burnt sugar taste is really off putting. Burnt sugar is not something that I want to have lingering on my palate at anytime, especially after drinking a beer and that is what kills this beer for me. Not the best beer from this line up and we can only hope that the glories of the imperial IPA are realized in the next one.
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