Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sixpoint Sweet Action:
Hello friends and welcome to a tall tale of a tall boy beer.  Well, this is a place of truthful beer reviews so we can’t do a “tall tale”, sorry.  So what do we have on the tap today, lets see ummm, oh wait, you already know.  That whole picture thing kind of ruins the whole anticipation thing, well then as you probably can see we are looking at Sixpoint’s Sweet Action, a cream ale brewed out of New York.  This tall boy is part of a recent wave of releases here in Texas and comes with a pretty high bar set for it (beer rates this beer as a 98 out of a possible 100) so lets put it to the test and see how it does.  The beer pours a amber color that produces a stark white head that whittles itself down to a thin layer on top of the beer with good lacing and a hoppy nose similar to a pale ale.  The initial taste is similar to a pale ale with a hop bite that moves not to the typical skunk on the mid tongue but a creamy taste that is more akin to the initial taste of a milk stout but without the subtle sweetness.  The back end is reminds me of an imperial pilsner with a nice combo malt taste and the hops come back in the after taste and leave you with a grapefruit flavor that really doesn’t linger too long.  If you haven’t figured this out yet, this is a complex beer and with every sip you notice something different about it.  Not the best beer for a cold fall night but come spring or summer, this should be a staple at anything involving outdoor activities or baseball.  Yeah that’s it, this is a great baseball beer.  If you run across it, grab some, I think you’ll be happy with what you find. 

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