Sunday, November 18, 2012

Victory Storm King Stout:
Greetings one and all and welcome back, I hope this review finds all of you safe and happy on this cool and crisp fall night.  When it gets really cold we all change our some part of our diet to foods that fit the season and when it starts to get cold, the heavier beers start to poke their heads out of their hibernation cellars and start to litter the cooler landscape and those heavy beers that are unfortunate year round brews get a new life.  Today’s beer: Victory Storm King Stout is one of those unfortunate beers that is a year round beer; if tried during those unfortunate summer months (at least here in Texas) or during an overly crowded beer season of spring, it would be over looked as being too heavy, too strong, too coffee?  Yep, too much coffee flavor in this stout but it’s got a lot of other things going for it in my humble opinion.  The beer pours a thick slow black with little noticeable carbonation but what foam there is leaves nice lacing on the inside of the glass and it sports a nose more akin to a cup of office quality coffee with a slight undertone of booze.  The initial taste is like drinking iced black coffee with the same sour bite that moves to a dry roasted malt and coffee bean flavor that roll into the back-end.  There is an after taste of dark coca and it leaves the tongue very dry and parched feeling, not something I really look for in a beer but it would keep you drinking it just to stave away that feeling.  I enjoyed my beer but it’s a bit too strong on the coffee flavor for my tastes and that doesn’t allow any other flavors to develop in the beer.   It does sport a very respectable 9.1% ABV and after about half the glass, you begin to notice it.  If you like your stouts more on the coffee side, then this is the beer for you.  

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