Sunday, December 30, 2012

Breckenridge Christmas Ale:
Ah hello friends and welcome back to our continued stroll through the winter wonderland and it’s amazing beer selection.  Today we jump back up to the great (beer) state of Colorado and journey, once again, to Breckenridge and look at that town’s namesake brewery and their Christmas Ale.  This beer comes in at a respectable 7.4% ABV and is one of those beer s that you can make the “good looking label therefore I must buy it” argument.  Hey, it’s not that out of the realm of possibility; I’ve met several people that are known to buy a beer based on the label alone and while that isn’t the best beer buying policy, it’s better than choosing beer based on the name brand alone.  The beer pours a dark brown with a slightly off white head that is thick and creamy leaving good lacing as well as a nose of roasted malts and sweet dark fruits.  The beer’s initial taste is very much like it’s nose with strong roasted (burnt) malts with a subtle touch of coffee flavoring that move to a mellow hop and caramel flavor on the mid tongue while the back end is dominated again by roasted malts.  The after taste is one that seems to vary from roasted malts and a subtle hoppy skunk which is very off putting at times but it’s really easily remedied by another pull on the bottle so, happy day! Anyway, a good beer, not the best but it’s consistent in it’s flavor profile and you know what to expect when drinking it.  I’d recommend this as a stand by winter warmer beer or one to serve to guests at a party of some sort.

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