Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale:
Hello all and welcome back to my little attempt to shed light on the vast world of beer and it’s many varieties. Today we look at another line up from Stone Brewing, this time at their Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale which is a double dry hopped black IPA that should be- in my humble opinion- what all black IPA’s should strive to become. The beer was poured from a tap with a pitch black coloration, a white creamy head of foam, and a nose of grapefruit and hops that are rich enough to make any hop head drool with anticipation. The beer’s initial taste is very heavy on the pine aspect of the beer with a rolling momentum to grapefruit notes on the mid tongue and a back end and after taste of skunk and malts that combine the worlds of hops and malts in universal harmony (yeah, cheesy but it works). Luckily this is available in bottle and it’s worth the find if you can get it either on tap or in bottle (tap always being the preferred method). A great and awesome beer that will now be the bench mark for any black IPA I come across, this is what a beer should taste like folks, enjoy it and, above all, savor it.
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