Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Crispin Chotokkyo:
Greetings friends and welcome back to your source for not only beer but also ciders.  Now wait just one hot minute, sit down and keep your trap shut, ok?  This is the last cider for this year and, if the Mayans are right, the last one ever on this site so you can tolerate a few lines of me writing about cider.  Okay?  Good, now as anyone who reads this site (or even the ones that just look at the pictures) knows that I have a soft spot for Crispin cider and today we look yet another variation of their cider, the ChoTokkyu.  This cider goes outside the norm by using Sake yeast and organic rice syrup to flavor their cider.  This cider pours a very cloudy gold that has numerous columns of carbonation bubbles though no head to speak of and a subtle nose of green apples.  The cider’s taste is very akin to good sparkling Riesling or Pinot Grigio with just a tiny hint of apples and not even a rumor of sweetness.  If you’re a fan of ciders, especially Crispin, and want to try something different but still familiar, this might be something worth trying.  So friends, we say good by to ciders for now but rest assured, we’ll visit the line-up again next year and if there isn’t a next year, at least we had a good run with cider line-up.   Till next time friends and fellow drinkers, ciao.

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