Friday, December 21, 2012

Wasatch Winterfest:
Greetings friends and welcome back to another beer review, another day. Today we once again look a winter beer (yes there is a pattern forming here) this one being Wasatch Winterfest, which is a great example of how a winter beer should taste.  The beer pours a dark brown color with a head that is slightly off white and thick, very thick actually and never really goes away during the consumption process and a nose of spice and malts.  The beer’s initial tastes are those of roasted malts, dark breads, and fruits that stick with the beer picking up flavors of spices on the mid tongue and back end which adds a touch of sweetness.  Very drinkable but complex with new discoveries in ever sip.  Probably not the best beer to have with a meal since the food in front of you might clash with the flavors offered in this beer.  This might be too complex for most but if you’re game this is a great beer to try.  

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