Monday, December 31, 2012

Guinness Generous Ale:
Hello friends and welcome back.  Today lets look at one of those beers that is rarely seen in the wild outside of it’s family pack and that is Guinness Generous Ale.  Yes, this is that beer with the shiny red label that is billed as a winter warmer from the good people in Ireland.  The beer is another attempt to give the normal (and awesome) Guinness beer a new twist on it’s flavor and, really, why mess with perfection?? The beer pours the familiar midnight black with a clean white head that is a bit creamy and a bit foamy and none of the famed Guinness carbonation and a nose of overly sweet spice and a touch of hops.  The beer’s initial taste is very malty with a bit of spice that stays with the beer as it moves to the mid tongue and a back end of subtle hop notes.  Nothing that special, nothing really worth writing a lot about.  If you want a Guinness this winter season, drink a regular Guinness or Foreign Extra and I promise you’ll be better off. 

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