Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crispin Cider the saint:
Greetings fellow beer drinkers and a happy and hearty welcome back to your place for beer reviews.  Today we jump back to the cider side of the isle a side which…hey, HEY! Where do you think you’re going?  This review just got started and just because you don’t like ciders doesn’t mean you can leave.  There are cider drinkers that put of with a hefty majority of my reviews being non cider but they stick around so mind your manners while I talk to them.  Hell, you might even learn something.  Now, where was I?  Oh yes, Crispin Cider makes the best ciders out there, they’re mellow, smooth, not overly sweet, dry, and carry just the right amount of carbonation.  Today’s cider is one made with Belgian Trappist Yeast and Organic Maple Syrup, both of which give this cider a subtle yet complex taste that keeps you coming back for more.  The cider pours well with a nice pale cloudy color that seems to have just the right amount of carbonation and a nose of subtle apples and booze.  The ciders taste is initial very similar to champagne which is odd seeing how it doesn’t appear that carbonated but a dry bubbly feeling gracefully introduces the cider to your palate where an apple sauce flavor that has a shot of grain alcohol is on the mid tongue with a back end of subtle maple sweetness and a bread like after taste.  Another great cider from Crispin, just as good as the Honey Crisp and with several more to go, this is just starting to get interesting.   Again, worth your time checking out if you’re ever curious about trying something different.  Okay beer people, you can leave now. 

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