Indian Wells Red Dawn:
Greetings and welcome one and all and today lets look at beer that not only is named after one of the great 80’s movies but is actually a nice beer to boot. Indian Wells, already well known for making Lobotomy Bock brewed this relatively unknown brew and naming it Red Dawn. Yes friends, a beer named after the greatest movie in the Patrick Swayze catalogue (and not that abortion of a remake that just came and went recently) and, if I had any foresight beyond 5 minutes I would of put in that 1984 greatness while drinking it. Since I didn’t lets look at this beer which pours a traditional amber color with a thin white head that leaves no lacing and a nose of subtle notes of malts and caramel. The beer’s initial taste is a clean lager style taste with predominant semi-sweet bread malts with a mild hop that is more of an under lying flavor than anything else and a mid tongue and back end that match in their clean mellow booze taste that really allow one to appreciate the initial tastes of the beer. The after taste is nothing more than a slight dryness on the back of the tongue and that only lingers slightly. A very enjoyable beer but nothing about it is that memorable or worth seeking out. The flavor and the way this beer drinks are easily found in at least half a dozen other like colored beers out there. If you run across it, give it a try (I believe it’s been renamed Mojave Red now) but don’t go seeking it out by itself. Wolverines!
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