Sunday, December 23, 2012

Rahr Winter Warmer:
Howdy all, and welcome back to not only a beer review but a local beer review at that!  Well, it’s local for only some of us but hopefully y’all outside this little megalopolis that we call the Metroplex will continue to read on.  My love/tolerance relationship with Fort Worth’s Rahr brewery and their beers should be well documented by now.  I have respect but not much desire to drink their year round brews but give me their seasonal or special edition beers and I’m one happy camper; case in point is Rahr’s Winter Warmer which is a dark English style ale that comes in two varieties: regular and bourbon barrel.  Today we look at the straight up regular version but don’t worry kiddos, the bourbon barrel version will be along soon.  The beer was poured from a tap with a nice coffee black coloration, an off white head that leaves good lacing, and a nose of cocoa and toasted breads.  The beer’s flavor profile is rather uniform on the front end and mid tongue with strong roasted malts and bit of chocolate that mellow with a coffee taste.  The back end retains the coffee flavor with a touch of dark fruits and an aftertaste of licorice though not overpowering.  So once again Rahr makes a stellar seasonal beer that is worth the hunt (if you live in North Texas it’s pretty easy to find these days, outside here I can’t make promises on availability).  Find one, enjoy and hopefully the weather outside isn’t to frightful.

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