Thursday, December 27, 2012

Full Sail Session Fest:
Greetings one and all and welcome back to another beer review, another day.  Today we take a look at Full Sail’s Session line and their stab at a winter beer: Fest.  This beer is a type of Czech-style strong lager that goes by the name polotmave which means “light dark or semi-dark” or at least that’s what the website says. Brewed with a variety of malts and a couple blends of hops that make this a beer with a variety of flavors and all packed into a tiny little bottle.  The beer pours a golden color that has a touch of red hue with an aggressive bone white head that leaves minimal lacing and a nose of malts and hops akin to a Budweiser.  The beer’s initial taste is much like most other lagers out there with a malty and bready notes that move to a strange hard candy like flavor that reminds one of holiday candies but not a specific one.  The back end taste is a combo of hops and malts though nothing overpowering and a skunk after taste that is found in most domestic lagers.  For the awesomeness that is the Sessions line this one falls short and that’s a shame.  Oh well, plenty of other fish in the winter beer sea. 

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