New Belgium Ranger India Pale Ale:
Greetings friends, neighbors, and local beer friends and welcome to yet another beer review for the masses. Today we look at a “mass market” ipa from the good people (and brewers) at New Belgium who make among their other beers, Fat Tire, and today we look at their Explore series’ Ranger India Pale Ale, in a tall boy can none the less. The beer pours a crisp golden color with a bone white head and a nose of citrus and floral notes. The initial taste is akin to most average ipa beers that give you a mellow skunk notes but that is quickly forgotten with a blooming citrus flavor that washes away most of the front end flavor while the backend does bring back a touch of the skunk but also lots of strong floral notes that gives the beer a nice smooth edge to be remembered. The beer’s after taste is a nice combination of all the flavors mentioned before with a touch of dryness and no hint of metal (which is where most canned beer falter). This is good ipa that should be viewed as a go between beer for an entry level ipa and the more advanced double ipas and the best part of this is that it comes in both glass bottles or cans so this good ipa can be enjoyed nearly everywhere.
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