Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dundee Pilsner:
G’day all and I’m feelin’ a little like an Aussie today!  Why?  Simple: Paul Hogan.  Yes Mr. Crocodile Dundee himself and how can you not turn down a beer named after this 1980’s icon and from his native Australia! *Ring-Ring* Pardon me. What?  You don’t say.  Mmhmm, uh-huh, gotcha.  Okay, folks that was the our research department and apparently Dundee is not from the land of the platypus but from Rochester, NY and is named after their owner, not the dude in the crocodile teeth hat. Damn, oh well.  The beer pours a nice clean blonde color that produces a even white head of foam that reduces down to a thin film with little lacing with a nose of grain and a touch of sweetness.  The beer’s taste is very similar to a good pilsner but really seems to tone down the flavors of that same pilsner and ends up making it a very safe beer for those who are the reluctant beer drinkers who still want to try something different.  (You know who you are out there).  So it begs the question who would want to drink a weak beer?  Maybe calling it weak is too strong but it is surely toned down in flavor as the day is long.   So, for me, this ain’t my cup of beer. 

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