Monday, April 23, 2012

Rahr and Son's Ugly Pug:

Afternoon all! Hey, it’s a Saturday and it’s past noon and it’s Saint Patricks day, why aren’t we drunk? Oh yeah, beer review, obligations and too much to do (being an adult sucks sometimes). Any who, we continue the exploration of Fort Worth’s Rahr and Sons line up with their black lager, Ugly Pug. This black lager is pushed as a light beer for dark beer lovers. Like most dark beers, this one puts out a nice pour though not as much carbonation as a Guinness and has a darker colored head than Guinness as well. The beer puts off a nose of coffee and malts with a taste of the same plus chocolate undertones. A good brew, though I keep going back to comparing it to Guinness Black Lager (reviewed earlier this year), which is unfair. Guinness has nailed black beer, regardless of what you think or personal taste, they are the standard bearer of the black beers (at least here in America). That being said, I really wasn’t impressed with Ugly Pug, it‘s good but nothing to remember; maybe its knowing that this is my second black lager and being compared to a legend isn’t fair but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

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