Abita Abbey Ale:
Hello party goers! Well we are nearing the end
of this festive season (only two more days after today) and we continue
to explore the Abita Big Beers. Today’s beer is Abita’s Abbey Ale, a
“liquid bread” beer. This beer is one of two charity ales that Abita
brews for Louisiana causes (we’ll drink the other one tomorrow) this one
supporting St. Joseph’s Abbey. This beer pours thick with a heavy head
that puts Sam Adams Boston Lager to shame. The aroma is a nice blend
of fruit, cloves and caramel and the taste is one of a strong hoppy ale.
At first I didn’t get the whole “liquid bread” thing but after a
while, my aftertaste was that of a bread and I began to see this maybe a
good beer to have with barbeque and got me thinking about Salt Lick…
Whoa! Sorry, got distracted again, happens a lot with this reviewer.
Anyway, good beer though not one I’d choose when given other options.
The rum we have for this day is another from the Old New Orleans Rum
family, the 3 year old. Aged in oak barrels for 3 years (shocking, I
know) this rum straddles the line of being able to drink by itself and a
good mixer. The flavors found in this rum are similar to most generic
spiced rums on the market. We’re all lookin’ at you Captain. Nice rum
with hints of spice and oak, drinks smoothly but does have a kick to it
on the back end.
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