Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Colt 45:
Happy Billy Dee Day! A little side note, the idea for this whole month was born out of this day and this day alone. One cannot pass up celebrating Lando’s Birthday with drinking a Colt 45. Yes, Colt 45, that magical and wonderful malt liquor that has transcended race and geographical differences. Now, currently, Snopp Dogg is endorsing this malt beverage but Billy Dee Williams is the one that made this bad bottle the notoriety that it’s gained. The catch phrase of the brew, “It works every time” is usually seen with Billy Dee holding the can and a fly gal looking over his left shoulder, smiling slyly. I haven’t tried Colt 45 with the fairer sex yet but if Billy Dee says it works every time, then I believe him. The malt liquor pours with a heavy, soapy head that takes a while to dissipate in the masonry jar. The nose is really light and airy to me, not really giving off much though I think I noticed a bread smell every once and a while during the consumption. Flavor is also very mild, nothing like the high gravity malts that I’ve sampled so far, while the flavor is mild, it’s not good. Very ethanol tasting throughout, never overpowering but it’s there and noticeable. So first 40 this month and we’ll check it off the list as one of the two downed for this month. Took me about two hours and a long two hours at that but it’s done, all in the name of Lando.

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