Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bud Light Platinum:
Hello intrepid drinkers! Once again we continue our trek through the Budweiser line up and today’s entry is the newest to the family. Bud Light Platinum is the new beer, spawned by a witch in a crossfire hurricane; this bad boy is actually surprising for what it is. Now, to me, the whole “light” beer thing should be simple, make a lighter beer in calories and ABV but keep the taste the same and you’ll have another popular beer. With Bud Light, that wasn’t the case, different taste from the original and not a good one. Bud Light Platinum however, does retain the taste of the original Budweiser (though the sweetness is toned down a bit), amps up the ABV (Bud light is 4.2, this has 6.0 ABV which is a shock because Budweiser original is 5.0) and actually, dare I say it…decent. I can see this being a poolside beer this summer, not to heavy to drown out your senses in the Texas oven. I might have to make an exception with this brew, Anheuser-Busch did something right this time though they missed batting 1.000 by putting the name Bud Light on it. Apparently this is starting to get really popular and will probably take off this summer according to the ghetto liquor store guy I learned about this beer from, so keep an eye out, worth trying once. Alright, I gotta go quell the villagers outside, they apparently want to burn me at the stake for saying I enjoyed a Bud Light product.

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