Sunday, April 29, 2012

Foster's Premium Ale:
Good day everyone! So as we near the end of the month, I grow with anticipation of the end of the month and the welcome back of normal beers. Hell, I even loaded up the beer fridge with the next couple of weeks work just in anticipation of this change in the tide. Till May 1 is on the calendar, I have my obligations to you, dear readers, so lets get this show on the road. Way back in February 11th I tried Foster’s Lager which is apparently Australian for beer (one of these day’s I’m going to need to learn to speak Australian) and while it was disappointment on a minor scale (thanks to low expectations on my end,) I yearned to complete the family portrait and today, that dream comes true with a “oil can” of Foster’s Premium Ale. The beer pours really well with a good head that sticks around for quite a while but the nose destroys any idea of a good beer. The nose reeks of a beer gone bad, smelling of burnt sugar and malts. The taste is pretty bad too; tasting overly skunky on the front end and like bad alcohol on the back end. The taste sticks around way longer than it needs too and really, nothing can cover it up for the short term, well, maybe something on the higher end of the Scoville scale might. Well, I did it, one more beer family done, and gladly. Now I will never ever have a lingering thought when looking at that kangaroo on the can and wondering “I wonder…” Yep, never ever.

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