Monday, April 23, 2012

Rahr and Son's Iron Thistle (Scottish Style Ale):

Hello all! Back home and ready to knock out another brewery specific week with a local Fort Worth Brewery, Rahr and Sons. Now this is a brewery I discovered upon the move west of the Death Star and I am slowly learning to love its line up (honestly, this week will be the first time I’ve tried a majority of their brews). Today we’ll start with something different: Scottish Ale. Rahr and Sons Iron Thistle is a dark ale, carrying similar notes of coffee and caramel in the nose and tastes. A nice black color with a light brown head that dissipates pretty quick for a ale (or dark beer for that matter and leaves a nice lacing around the glass (been wanting to say that for a while now). A stout 8% ABV this ale is seasonally available in January and February this brew has two outside items going for it that make it high on my Rahr list: 1) it uses warrior hops, that’s WARRIOR hops, kicking all other hops butts like it’s an ass-kicking contest consisting of one legged men save WARRIOR hops (I feel much more manly for drink a beer that has this in it); 2) Per the website this beer is best consumed in a Thistle glass which has to be one of the more unique beer glasses I’ve seen in a long while. Also, per the website, the best pairing for this beer is “grilled or steam vegetables because ‘they won’t have to scream to be heard’” as well as Brie and aged Gouda cheeses.

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