Steel Reserve Triple Export:
Hello one and all, so we begin another day,
another tallboy can. Today’s brew is part of Steel Reserve, their
Triple Export which is Steel Brewery’s attempt at a high end beer.
Located in Milwaukee (I’m starting to see a pattern here) this brew
isn’t UNION BREWED, so if you’re a card carrying union supporter, check
your next tallboy can to see if you’re helping out your fellow blue
collar worker. Now the fact that this
comes in a tallboy would make it seem unlikely to be a “high-end” beer
but I have a four pack of over-sized New Belgium cans in my beer pantry
(yes I have a beer pantry, move on) and I’m sure I’d get no argument for
most of you, if not all, that New Belgium isn’t a high-end beer maker.
So let move on the next (dis)qualifier for a high-end beer:
ingredients. Well, Steel Reserve boasts about having used the “finest
malted barley and selected hops…in the world” to make this brew, that
maybe the case but that undercurrent of bad alcohol permeates this beer
with it’s vile flavor and actually ruins what would be a decent beer.
The beer pours very well with abundance of carbonation and the head that
sticks around for a while through the drinking process. As with all
tallboys, a nose of bread is the most powerful thing you smell, though
it within itself is barely there. Taste has a good front-end of malts,
but that gives way to the aforementioned bad alcohol that gives a bad
aftertaste and lingers on the back of the tongue. Would could have
been the first decent beer this month is ruined by bad alcohol, but at
least there was no bitter beer face involved. Wonder where the triple
export title comes from? No clue on my end. Any ideas?
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