Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bud Light:
Aloha friends and neighbors alike. Once again we take our second step into the world of Anheuser-Busch and it’s main beers. Today we spot light that archetype of the light beer: Bud Light. Drunk by all of us at some point in our lives (and still drunk by some of you) this light beer takes a surprising step to the left of it’s parent. Comparing the two flavors of beer is almost surprisingly nonexistent. While Budweiser has a subtle sweetness to it, Bud Light has a sour, almost hoppy bite that does not sit well with me. There is no nose to speak of what so ever nor is there a after taste. The body of this beer is found in the initial drinking phase that seems to be mainly a very subtle hoppy flavor that really has no legs past the initial tasting. The running joke is light beers are just regular beers with extra water in them, I’ll find it easy to believe that this maybe the Bud Light way, just add extra hops to hide the watered down flavor. Given the choice between regular Budweiser and Bud Light I’d choose the former. The extra calories are worth it.

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