Friday, April 27, 2012

Pabst Blue Ribbon:
Evening friends and welcome to another installment of questionable taste, judgment and all around sense of self worth.  As I had indicated earlier in the week, these remaining days of the month will be filled with tall boys of my choosing and which may or may not bend my rules for the month.  That being said, here is the first rule bender.: Pabst Blue Ribbon.  Come on man, how can you not drink a PBR in a tall boy can?  Isn’t this it’s natural habitat?  The beer pours really well and leaves a good head on the beer that last through most of the jar and stays very carbonated.  Nose is one of malts mainly though I did catch whiffs of wheat/grain on a few occasions.  The taste is smooth on the front end with a lot of fizz from the over carbonation and gives a distinct taste of the malts used in this brew.  Backend flavor is dry but tolerable, does tend to hang around longer that needed and gives you that vile cotton mouth feeling that is so undesirable.  We all should try PBR at some point in our lives, it’s practically an American institution.  The beer won it’s blue ribbon in 1893 so how can you not go wrong with a beer still reliving it’s glory days 119 years later?  In all honesty, the PBR can art a classic and the art inspired by it is pretty cool and can be found on their website ( but some people…well some people drink a lot, creativity runs wild and let‘s leave it at that for now.   

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