Sunday, April 22, 2012

Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale:
Man, it’s good to be home, even if it’s for two days. While I am here in at Ponderosa, lets dive into the newest Shiner, Wild Hare. This is Shiner’s first attempt at an American Ale and, by golly, they nailed it. The beer is a nice balanced ale that doesn’t offend a first time ale drinker but won’t drive off a seasoned drinker. The beer pours nicely, especially if you pour it right (unlike me who wasn’t really paying attention and I ended up with about 2 inches of foamy head) and has a nice carbonation throughout. The color isn’t too far from a normal Shiner and the flavor is subtle with a nice hoppy flavor (hence wild hare, punny!) at the front end and just a wink of skunk on the back. Very good beer, hopefully this beer is a new permanent resident of the Shiner line-up and not a seasonal offering. This is the beer the beer I hoped Budweiser American Ale would be (kind of) but, thankfully, Osiris, Dionysus and Ninkasi got together and saw to it that the proper beer went to the proper bottle. All Shiner drinkers should give this a pour, I really think you’ll be pleased what the Spoetzl crew has come with this time around.

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