Saturday, April 21, 2012

Big Flats:
Hello one and all, today lets rock the boat a bit. In this picture you see something that hasn’t been in this chronicle yet, aluminum. Now I know this is crazy and some of you are starting to warm up your throwing arms for the rotten fruit you have with you, but just hear me out. Big Flats 1901 Beer is the “house” beer of Walgreens, a cheap lager beer that actually isn’t half bad. Now when you get past that you can buy this beer for a few “magic” beans this is one of those beers that fill an important role. That role is one of filler, yes dear hearts, use this beer to fill those long lonesome evenings where wasting a good beer seems shameful and liquor seems to harsh. The taste is nothing special, tastes just like a typical usual suspect beer and has really no after taste to speak of, at least kindly. Sporting just 4.5% ABV this beer doesn’t make much of an impact (the light version has just 3.9% ABV and needs to be tied around your wrist apparently). Now all you beer snobs are saying “BAH! I’ll never drink this! It’s swill!” I beg to differ, I can buy 2 or 3 cases and make my beer dollar go further with this bad boy than you can with two or three of your six pack of premium beer. We’re in a recession here people; think economically, not tastefully.

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