Friday, April 20, 2012

Abita Golden:
Hello Ladies and Germs! So it seems that whole “Mardi Gras” thing is actually going to happen this year. I guess Mark Cuban stepped in to save it like he did with Dallas’ Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. So, in honor of this long festive weekend, we’ll explore some Louisiana beers and drinks for the next 5 days to commemorate the whole party atmosphere. Today’s pairing is from Abita and Old New Orleans Rum. With priorities being set straight, we’ll focus on the beer first since this is a beer album. Abita Golden is our beer of choice today and while uncommon, it is very good and would make a much better introduction beer than Abita Amber. Light in color and in flavor, this beer is very crisp front end with a very small after taste of hops. Akin to a more traditional American beer from St. Louis (we all know who you are), this one is an excellent stand in for a white wine when it’s called for. If you’re a fan of Abita or traditional domestics, this is the beer for you.

Now the Rum we have here is very special. Forged as a save the distillery bottle after Katrina, Old New Orleans Rum 10 year is amazingly smooth. The rum is more like a fine single malt scotch, this rum is mix a nice blend of white cane rum stored in 1997 and survived Katrina, Rita and a season without the Saints. Best enjoyed in a sniffer, this rum will deliver smells of vanilla, oak and caramel. The taste is smooth, non biting and warm all the way down. Unfortunately this blend is available only in select New Orleans stores and the distillery. If you ever have a chance to buy a bottle, do it. It is one to offer in substitution of fine scotch and single malt whiskeys.

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