Monday, April 23, 2012

Samuel Adams Imperial White:
Evenin’ all those who love beer (and my writing), we enter the last week of this theme month and towards one of the original micro brews we go. Sam Adams’ history is well known thanks to aggressive marketing so no need to retread that ground. However, instead of trying their normal beer (saving that one for a theme beer day) this week we are going to scratch the surface of their seasonal line and Imperial line of beers. Today’s beir is the Imperial White, a Dutch wheat beer that carries the strong traditional flavors of orange and coriander. The beer pous well with a head that dissipates quickly and a dark hazy orange color. As mentioned before, the flavors of orange and coriander as well as an undertone of cream. The aftertaste is one of heavy malts and hops that sits heavy on the tounge and really doesn’t appeal to me. The beer is good but not my cup of tea.

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