Sunday, April 22, 2012

Widmer Brothers Brrr Seasonal Ale:
Hello readers, today’s beer doesn’t live up to its predecessors. The Widmer Brother’s Brrr Seasonal Ale this year is a hop number that has a great pedigree and good expectations coming into it, but it never lived up to the hype (kind of like Chris Simms). The beer pours well with a nice head and good carbonation. The smell comes across as very earthy with a subtitle spice and fruit smell. The color reminded me of a darker Shiner and all these combined made me ready for a delicious beer. However, with everything in line, this beer comes across as average at best. No real surprises in the taste with a run of the mill flavor of an IPA. The strength of the hops seems to add a more sour than anything else. Was really hoping this one would be great but sadly it never lived up to my expectations. This won’t be the last time we visit the Widmer Brothers but it will be the only time for this one.

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