Monday, April 23, 2012

Rahr and Son's Buffalo Butt:
Hello all! So we are half way through the Rahr week and I figured what better time than to explore their most famous beer, Buffalo Butt. Allegedly brought about by old cowboys talking about how nothing but a good beer could make them forget all the buffalo butts they’ve seen. The beer is very nice dark amber color that pours clean with minimal foam and a good clean appearance. The nose is of caramel and malt and the tongue is of similar notes with a bit of spicy sweetness in the back-end. I find this beer to be very similar to Shiner Bock with only the aforementioned spicy sweetness to separate it from it’s southern statesman. A good beer, probably my favorite so far in the Rahr family, but with their IPA to come up soon, it’s reign might be short lived.

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